Lemony Walnut Pasta

Inspiration is Vegetarian Times Lemon Pasta with Toasted Walnuts.
  • One cup of walnut halves.  Or more depending on your preference.
  • One half cup of parmesan if you like.
  • One half cup of olive oil.
  • One half cup of lemon juice.
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic minced.
  • One pound of spaghetti.
  • One half cup of capers.
  • One and a half cup of tomatoes or whatever vegetable you might like to add.  Zucchini would be great in this sautéed a tad and added.
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste.
  1. Toast your walnut halves on 350 for about 10 minutes.  Cool and chop.
  2. Mix your olive oil with the lemon juice, minced garlic, capers tomatoes and shredded parmesan if you like cheese.  Salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Mix with cooked pasta.  I utilized this awesome whole wheat spaghetti by DeLallo which has great taste and texture when cooked properly. 


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